'Twas Christmas Night
By Richard Sandberg, Illustrated by Yvonne Agee
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At a time when people are busier than ever, families need something to bring them together. ‘Twas Christmas Night celebrates the true meaning of Christmas by telling the story of how Jesus came and why. With a charming cadence that feels like a Christmas classic and vibrant illustrations that engages the whole family, you can start a new Christmas tradition.
Experience Example Verses
Prophets (2nd Verse)
Angel Visits (3rd Verse)
Jesus’ Birth (4th Verse)

‘Twas Christmas Night goes all the way back to creation and the fall of humankind and tells the story of God’s redemptive plan. This story summarizes, in a few short lines, how the prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah, how the angel appeared to Mary and Joseph, their journey to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, His life and ministry, death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Even deeper than the telling of the actual events of the Bible, it explains why these events matter. It tells the reader that God loves them and wants a relationship with them and why Christmas is still relevant two thousand years after it occurred. With vibrant and captivating illustrations that will engage the entire family and a rhyme with the familiarity and warmth of a Christmas classic, this book tells the most important story that has ever been told.
As a pastor for fifteen years with a master’s degree in Christian apologetics, I am always looking for ways to share the message of the gospel in a way that engages our current culture. Since I was a young teen, I have been writing poetry and music as an expression of my faith. Now as a father of three children, I am always looking for ways to pass on our faith to our children. This project combines my theological training, artistic talents and experience as a father into one book designed to engage both children and their parents in a creative and timely way with a timeless message.
Richard sandberg


I was born in the 1950s in Wheeling, West Virginia, but can only claim my birthplace through my birth certificate as my parents moved within six months to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. My hometown was only minutes from the mountains. I spent a fair amount of time playing in and exploring this wonderful mountain terrain as a small child, and later. The colors, the smells, and sounds will always dwell in my heart and influence how I interpret what I see and how I transfer this to a canvas. I graduated from UVA with a BSEd in Mathematics and from GMU with a Masters degree. A Post Graduate Endorsement in Administration and Supervision from UVA rounded out my public education journey, and for several decades I gave my energies to high school students and colleagues. I am currently retired from education, and find myself exploring the world around me once again through art with a renewed passion for abstractions and disrupted realism. Over the last few years I have studied under Nicholas Wilton, Louise Fletcher, Gabriel Lipper, and Alain Pic.
Yvonne Agee
"'Twas Christmas Night resonated deeply with me as a father, guiding my children through enchanting verses that illuminate the profound truth: Christ is the heart of Christmas. This poem kindles the desire in every parent's heart to ensure their children embrace the sacred message of love, grace, and salvation during the festive season."
Chad Hensley
Husband and Father of 3"In our day, the message of Christmas is often swallowed by the event of Christmas. ’Twas Christmas Night syncs Christmas with the message of the gospel for those who most need to hear it: the ones hearing it for the first time. Begin a Christmas tradition of significance by reading this book with your family every Christmas."